Forehead and Brow Lift

A natural part of the aging process is a gradual descent of the forehead resulting in downward displacement of the eyebrows. This can be corrected in several different ways depending on the sex of the patient, the degree of ptosis (drooping) as well as the need for modification of the deep structures such as the muscles creating the frown wrinkles.

For some patients, particularly men, an incision can be made directly above the brow and hidden in the eyebrow hair. On some facelift patients, an extended incision can be made in the temporal (temple) hair to elevate the outer brow. The most definitive procedure is the transcoronal forehead lift, in which the incision is made behind the hairline from ear to ear. This technique exposes to frontalis muscles and corrugater muscles which cause the horizontal wrinkles across the forehead as well as the vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, allowing modification and partial removal of the muscles. Excess skin is then removed. If the patient has a high forehead, then the central incision can be placed at the hairline to prevent heightening of the forehead.


This middle aged woman had significant brow ptosis. Eyelid surgery alone would have ended with eyebrow hair on the upper lid. A transcoronal forehead lift was also done.


This pleasant gentleman had bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty with a direct brow lift.


This attractive young woman had modest ptosis of her forehead. A transcoronal forehead lift was performed with a secondary upper lid touch up later.


This attractive woman had a fairly high forehead so the surgical design allowed elevation of the brows without elevating the hairline.


This elegant woman has had a transcoronal forehead lift (as well as facelift) which has helped rejuvenate the periorbital area.


This young gentleman wished to have his brows look “less heavy.” He has had a subtle transcoronal brow lift with elevation appropriate for a male. His nose has also been augmented through the forehead incision.


This attractive middle-aged woman had the heaviness around her eyes relieved with a transcoronal lift. (She also had a facelift).


This middle-aged patient had a transcoronal forehead lift. Sectioning of the frontalis muscle which elevates the horizontal wrinkles has been carried out to decrease (not totally remove) the wrinkle pattern.


This middle-aged woman had a brow lift in combination with an upper lid blepharoplasty.


This gentleman had a direct browlift with the incision at the upper border of the eyebrow as well as an upper blepharoplasty.


This woman had a transcoronal forehead lift with removal of much of the corrugater muscle (between the eyebrows) as well as scoring of the frontalis muscle to soften the horizontal wrinkles.


This middle aged woman had significant brow ptosis. If an upper blepharoplasty alone had been done, she would have had eyebrow hair on her eyelid. Therefore a forehead lift was also carried out.


This lovely patient had an angry appearance because of the lower position of the inner eyebrows. With a transcoronal lift, force vectors elevated the middle forehead to soften the appearance.


This gentleman had a direct brown lift with a secondary upper blepharoplasty.


This lovely older woman had facial rejuvenation including a forehead lift to position the brows in a more youthful position.